NIRWeb-IV drying systems are modular, ultra-high performance and programmable drying solutions for web-fed applications and are ideal for high speed inkjet drying and the drying, sintering, and curing of conductive or resistive inks, adhesives and other coatings.
NIRWeb-IV systems contain a closed adphosNIR® radiation chamber, tightly controlled air management and integrated hot air knives to maximize drying performance in a small footprint. adphos NIRWeb-IV drying systems offer more options, higher productivity, easier integration, lower cost of operation and smaller footprints compared to conventional IR, hot air, heated drum, gas, or microwave drying systems.
On even the most demanding applications, including those on high gloss, overcoated and temperature sensitive substrates, adphos NIRWeb-IV inkjet drying systems are capable of drying at speeds in excess of 3,000 fpm (914 mpm).
NIRWeb-IV systems are available for standard web widths of 20” (508 mm), 26” (672 mm) and 40” (1,008 mm) with 1, 2, 3 or 4 emitter banks and custom widths are available. Additionally, there are different emitter powers to meet a wide variety of applications. NIRWeb-IV systems are compact and can be mounted for vertical, horizontal, or angled web path configurations and the on-board electronics and cooling systems allow for quick and easy portability within your facility.
Customer Testimonial
“Without the adphos dryer, we would not have been able to achieve business targets with inkjet technology.”
Christopher Sommer, Elanders GmbH
“The installed adphos dryer investment has been paid back within 1 year operation only by energy cost savings”
European customer
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